Benazir’s party rubbishes Scotland Yard report on cause of her death

Benazir’s party rubbishes Scotland Yard report on cause of her deathIslamabad, Feb 8: The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) on Friday rejected Scotland Yard’s findings that ex-premier Benazir Bhutto was killed by the force of a suicide bomb and not gunfire.

Soon after the assassination of Benazir, the Pakistan Government had also claimed that cause of Benazir’s death was not gunfire.

PPP spokeswoman Sherry Rehman said that the party was still looking into the findings of a Scotland Yard’s team, adding that the party was finding it difficult to accept the “findings on the cause of death”

“We do believe that she was killed by an assassin's bullet,” the Dawn quoted her, as saying.

According to the report, same person was involved in firing bullets and suicide attack.

“In essence, all the evidence indicates that one suspect has fired the shots before detonating an improvised explosive device,” said the summary of the 70-page report.

“The blast caused a violent collision between her head and the escape hatch area of the vehicle, causing a severe and fatal head injury,” the report signed by British Detective Superintendent John MacBrayne said.

There was enough evidence to come to “reliable conclusions”, including X-rays checked against Benazir's dental records and video footage taken by witnesses, said the report.

“The only tenable cause for the rapidly fatal head injury in this case is that it occurred as the result of impact due to the effects of the bomb-blast,” British government pathologist Nathaniel Cary said. (ANI)
