Allstate: Washington, D.C., drivers more accident-prone than average US drivers

AllstateAccording to a Tuesday-released report by insurer Allstate Corp, drivers in Washington, D. C., take the bottom rank – for the fifth successive year – when it comes to safety, as they are the most accident-prone amongst the drivers in big US cities.

As per the Allstate’s "America's Best Driver Report," Washington, D. C., drivers are involved in a collision once in every 4.7 years; thereby marking a two-fold higher collision rate than the average drivers in the US.

In fact, the collision rate of the Washington, D. C., drivers is alarmingly higher than that of their counterparts in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, which had the lowest rate of accidents. Going by the Allstate statistics, Sioux Falls drivers go an average of 13.8 years between car crashes, thus making the city the “safest driving city” in the US, in five out of eight times Allstate has issued its report.

The Allstate data also revealed that Colorado Springs is one of the safest US cities, with its average drivers reporting a car collision once in nearly 11.5 years; and even the most populous US city – New York – fares better than Washington, D. C. when it comes to accidents, as the New York drivers crash every seven years or so.

Meanwhile, noting that the safety of a city is largely affected by its layout, its transportation network, law enforcement, traffic signs, lights, and other such things, Allstate spokeswoman Kate Hollcraft said: “Regardless of where you live, there are definitely safe driving habits, like minimizing distractions.”