Ailing Fidel Castro changes tack, attacks Obama

Ailing Fidel Castro changes tack, attacks ObamaHavana  - In a surprising reversal, ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro has attacked US President Barack Obama's foreign policy initiatives as "abusive," and compared them to those of George W Bush.

In two articles last week, Fidel had stressed the "sincerity" and "honesty" of the new White House resident.

But in his most recent piece published by Cuban media Friday, Fidel - who has not been seen in public since July 2006 - used harsh language previously reserved only for Bush.

US support for Israel shows "the abusive character of empire," Castro said. "The United States will never distance itself from Israel ... it is the mode of sharing in the genocide of Palestinians, into which our friend Obama has fallen."

Cuban President Raul Castro, to whom Fidel formally transferred power almost a year ago, has repeatedly said he is willing to talk to Obama at some "neutral place" and under certain conditions.

Foreign observers had also noticed a "softer" rhetoric in Havana following Obama's historic victory last November. Official comments, such as those made earlier this week by Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque, refrained from using aggressive terms like "imperialism" to refer to Washington.

But Fidel claimed the new US president is repeating the policies of Bush, with whom Havana ruled out any chance for dialogue.

Obama is merely offering more of the same "sweeteners" to Russia, China, Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world, including Cuba, Castro alleged.

The Cuban leader even saw negativity in Obama's decision to close the controversial military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - a move that analysts viewed as a starting point for a possible rapprochement between the two countries.

Castro called Obama's comments about chances for the territory to be returned to Cuba as further evidence of the "abusive character" of US foreign policy.

Castro considers the American base at Guantanamo illegal. Under an agreement last revised in 1934, the lease can only be ended if both sides agree. The base supports US naval operations in the Western hemisphere and the war on drugs throughout Latin America.

The new US administration has indicated that it will not return Guantanamo without concessions. Castro wants Obama to give the base back to Cuba without conditions.

A more conciliatory Perez Roque had called the move to close the prison at Guantanamo "positive" but "insufficient."

Cuban dissident Oscar Espinosa said Fidel's recent comments were hardly surprising.

"They prove that there is a sector that does not at all want an improvement in relations with the United States," he told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa in an interview.

"If they used sweet words a few days ago it was because they know that the Cuban people very much like Obama. It was a tactical move, but the general line is putting all possible obstacles in the way of an improvement in relations between the United States and Cuba," Espinosa said.

With such comments, Fidel was putting hurdles in his brother's way, he added. "If Raul Castro had a genuine interest in improving relations, this does not favour it at all," Espinosa noted.

"I think they are now going to start using Guantanamo to create difficulties and build another reason for upsets and prevent good relations," he said. (dpa)
