2% Confess to drunk-Driving Episode at least once in preceding 30 days

Around 2% of American adults admitted to driving while being in intoxicated condition at least once over the last month. The findings have come from a study based on a 2012 data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The research has unveiled that young males having history of binge drinks form to be drunk driver. The CDC researchers were of the view that situation can avoided. Accidents that take place due to drink and drive are accountable for around one-third of all the US crash fatalities in the last 20 years.

Dr. Scott Krakower, specialist in alcohol abuse issues, said that binge drinking is quite prevalent among youngsters. He affirmed, “Individuals should not be afraid to seek help if they have a drinking problem. Bottom line: if one is drinking, they should never drive a motor vehicle. They are putting innocent lives at risk”.

In the study, the researchers assessed the data from an annual federal government survey, which has found around 4.2 million adults have reported about at least one alcohol-impaired driving episode in the last 30 days.

The CDC said the rates changed as per the states as state’s drink and driving rules are different. In comparison to all the assessed states, the Midwest was found to be the worst in terms of drunk driving.

Men aged between 21 and 34 formed to be around a third of all drunk-driving episodes and men overall comprised 80% of impaired drivers. If states come up with tough regulations then the situation can be handled.