What Do The Recent North Carolina Opinion Polls Show?

What Do The Recent North Carolina Opinion Polls Show?The recent Obama vs McCain North Carolina opinion polls show that Barack Obama is slightly ahead of John McCain in the presidential race in the state. According to the polls, Obama is holding slim lead over McCain.

Historically, Virginia has been favorable to Republicans — the state was won by Republicans in 2000 and 2004 respectively. However, the recent NC polls indicate that Obama has thin edge over McCain. Let’s check out what the last week’s McCain vs Obama NC polls show.
Rasmussen Reports/Fox News’ Obama vs McCain North Carolina poll, conducted on October 26, showed McCain leading Obama by 1 % — 49 % to 48 % among the likely voters of North Carolina. The poll gave McCain a 36.0 % chance of winning North Carolina’s 15 Electoral College votes on Election Day.

Allstate/National Journal/FD’s Obama vs McCain NC poll, conducted from October 23 to October 27, showed Obama leading McCain by 4 % points — 47 % to 43 % among the likely voters of North Carolina.

CNN/Time Magazine/Opinion Research’s Obama vs McCain NC poll, conducted from October 23 to October 28, showed Obama leading McCain by 6 % points — 52 % to 46 % among the likely voters of North Carolina.

Civitas Institute/TelOpinion’s Obama vs McCain North Carolina poll, conducted from October 27 to October 29, showed Obama leading McCain by 1 % point — 47 % to 46 % among the likely voters of North Carolina.

Mason-Dixon/NBC’ Obama vs McCain North Carolina poll, conducted from October 28 to October 29, showed McCain leading Obama by 3 % points — 49 % to 46 % among the likely voters of North Carolina.

Politico/Insider Advantage’s Obama vs McCain NC poll, conducted on October 29, showed Obama and McCain tied — 48 % to 48 % among the likely voters of North Carolina.

Rasmussen Reports’ Obama vs McCain North Carolina poll, conducted on October 29, showed Obama leading McCain by 2 % points — 50 % to 48 % among the likely voters of North Carolina. According to the poll, Obama has 64.0 % chance of winning North Carolina’s electoral votes.

Research 2000/Daily Kos’ Obama vs McCain North Carolina poll, conducted from October 28 to October 30, showed Obama leading McCain by 2 % points — 47 % to 45 % among the likely voters of North Carolina.
