Two glass of milk can save elderly from grip of Alzheimer

Two glass of milk can save elderly from grip of AlzheimerRecent research led by Oxford University revealed that two glasses of milk everyday can offer protection against memory loss and Alzheimer's disease in old age. Researchers discovered that milk is one of the best sources of vitamin B12. It is believed that this vitamin reduces neurological damage to the brain.

Study also revealed that elderly patients with low levels of B12 suffer twice shrinkage of the brain as compared with those having higher levels of it in their bodies.

Research team is conducting a clinical trial to find whether it is possible to treat memory problems in the elderly with vitamin supplements.

Professor David Smith, from the Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing, said: "Our study shows that consuming around half a litre of milk or more per day, and it can be skimmed milk, could take someone who has marginal levels of B12 into the safe range. But even drinking just two glasses a day can protect against having low levels."