Tibetans protest "nightmare" Olympics in Brussels

Brussels - Around 100 protesters against China's human- rights record demonstrated outside the headquarters of the European Union on Friday as the Olympic Games opened in Beijing.

"The Olympic flag symbolizes peace, harmony and the solidarity of nations. The Beijing Games have become a nightmare for the millions of people in China who love peace," a statement issued by the Congress of Tibetan Youth in Belgium said.

"China's leaders have intensified the detention, torture and even execution of hundreds of Uighurs, Tibetans and Chinese dissidents under the pretext of 'security' and 'safe games,'" it said.

The statement urged "the world's citizens" to "speak out against the violations of human rights in China and the violation of religious liberty in Tibet."

The protesters waved banners decorated with the Tibetan colours. Their statement carried a cartoon picture of a heavily-armoured Chinese soldier shooting a monk. (dpa)