Technology News

Access Your Yahoo Id In Hindi; Send Free SMS's!

New Yahoo MailYahoo and Yahoo India both have fascinated users with their new launchings.

Mundu IM now supports Sony Ericsson mobiles and Apple iPod Touch; Easier Photo Sharing

Xenitis launched Xuva T14WN laptop for just Rs 19900

Xenitis Xuva T14WN Low Cost Laptop

Prices Of OLPC Laptop Computers Double From $100 to $200

Nicholas Negroponte's One Laptop per Child Foundation (OLPC) has started selling its famous $100 (XO) laptop computers for no less than $200 per piece.

The laptop computers are being made available in amounts of 10,000 and more through the OLPC Internet site at

Until now, the one constant in the journey of the $100 laptop has been the steady increase in prices: from the original $100 to the temporary $150 to the fresh $188.

Further, the XO laptops are slated to go into production in China next month, which is behind original schedule. Same with the quantities to be produced, which are way behind earlier projections.

Novell Unveils Latest OS Version ‘OpenSUSE 10.3’ In India

PC Games Improve Children’s Mental Ability, Says New Study
