Technology News

Clean and easy: Google's new browser Chrome

Clean and easy: Google's new browser ChromeHamburg - Google is generally known as the quintessential internet search engine. But now the U. S. company is trying to capture the browser market as well. Chrome is the name of its free new internet browser, and it's available for download in a beta version from the Google website. The program installs quickly and impresses with its clear design and easy interface. Experts are warning about potential security risks, however.

There's nothing wrong with giving the browser a try, says Urs Mansmann from the Hanover-based computer magazine c't.

Elves, robots, and primordial soup: New PC games for September

Hamburg - One side wants to build something up while the other wants to knock down some monsters. These urges may seem to be polar opposites, but they do in fact have a common denominator: both are the key principles behind PC games hitting the stores in September. The biggest attention has gone to the life simulation Spore.

The other is Warhammer Online, a role playing game that is being viewed as one of the most important competitors to the best-selling World of Warcraft. Not that the two games are completely alone: the game to the film Wall-E, a strategy game called Romance XI and a snooker simulator are also slated to appear.

Computer and internet briefs

Computer and internet briefsWashington - If you want to permanently delete e-mail from your inbox, don't just hit the Delete key. Most e-mail programs have a Deleted Items folder into which e-mail deleted in that manner is sent. To truly remove the e-mail from your e-mail program, visit the Deleted Items folder and clear the contents. In Outlook, you can permanently remove a message by holding down the Shift key and tapping the Delete key.

Spore named top PC-Game at games convention

Spore named top PC-Game at games conventionLeipzig, Germany - Spore, a long awaited computer game slated for September release, was named "Best PC Game" at the recent Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany, by a jury of experts.

C-DAC inks MoU with ELCOT to deploy BOSS Linux

Microsoft Launches Dual Purpose Mouse In Market

Microsoft has introduced new mouse, named Arc Mouse, which can be used in two modes including as desktop mouse ( when fully extended) and as notebook mouse (when folded).
