Science News

Patch-up telescope sees first detail of star beyond galaxy

GalaxyGarching, Germany - Scientists in Germany who devised a way to hook up two powerful telescopes in st

Plastic packages of enzymes upgrade human cells in lab

Plastic packages of enzymes upgrade human cells in labLondon, May 24 : Swiss researchers have found that the insertion of tiny plastic packages of enzymes in human cells may help upgrade their metabolisms, without having to alter their genes.

Researchers at University of Basel believe that their technique might open the door for advanced cancer treatments, or even upgrade a person’s metabolism.

Men above 40, whether rich or poor, will find young wives

Man ThinkSydney, May 23 : It’s not just loaded older men who find young beautiful wives, for even t

Novel statistical method might shed new light on history of human migration

Human History of MigrationWashington, May 23 : Scientists have developed a stat

Overfishing leading to extinction of many shark and ray species

SharksBonn, Germany  - Overfishing is leading to the extermination of many species of shark and ray in t

Bacteria levels in aircraft ‘pose low risk to travellers’

Bacteria levels in aircraft ‘pose low risk to travellers’
