
Spiegel: German court to hear new claims over nuclear smuggling

A court is to hear damning claims that a German engineer played a key role in an international nuclear trafficking gang set up by Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadir Khan, the news magazine Der Spiegel

Merkel rejects word "crisis" for Irish poll outcome

Berlin - Chancellor Angela Merkel'sBerlin - Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel rejected Friday the suggestion that the European Union was in a crisis after the Irish rejection of the EU treaty.

Speaking to reporters at Binz on Germany's Baltic coast, Merkel said, "The situation is not an easy one. The European Union has already surmounted many difficult situations. That is why I'm quite sure that we'll find a way here to make progress."

The chancellor added that she could not yet say what a solution to the problem would look like.

Interest limited in German auction of rare Dalai Lama stamp

German- Dalai LamaBerlin - Interest was limited in the auction in the German city o

Four years for depressed German landlord who blew up his pub

Jurist, 44, set to take over Germany's top judicial postBerlin - A German court Thursday handed down a four-year jail term to a depressed landlord in the southern town of Bolsterlang who tried to blow himself up in his pub late one night last year.

The court dropped three charges of attempted murder, ruling the man had been so depressed, and so drunk, that he did not comprehend the danger to three other people in the house at the time.

The explosion, caused after the 65-year-old man opened an 11- kilogram propane bottle, wrecked the house, forcing its subsequent demolition.

Germany gives 420 million euros for Afghan reconstruction to 2012

Germany gives 420 million euros for Afghan reconstruction to 2012

US President Bush leaves Berlin for Rome

Former aide stuns many with his criticism of George Bush
