Health Update

Diabetes drug shows promise to save millions of lives

Diabetes DrugsLondon, Sept. 3 : A drug that lowers blood pressure among diabetics may provide a significant means to save tens of thousands of lives, say UK scientists.

A five-year study conducted by them has shown that using Coversyl Plus-a combination of medication like ACE inhibitor and diuretic drugs, which are currently offered only to patients with high blood pressure-reduces the risk of death from heart-related problems and kidney failure by 18 per cent.

Faster, safer formula to prescribe blood thinners developed

Research on Blood Thinners
Washington, Sept 3 : Researchers have developed an improved dosing formula that can make the process of prescribing blood thinners faster and safer.

The formula called anticoagulant warfarin has been developed for doctors to estimate the appropriate dose for patients.

The first kiss is key to winning a woman

My First Kiss

Surgeries to Shape Labia, Restore Hymen, Tighten Vagina are Unsafe – ACOG

FDA statement on Merck’s AIDS Drug, Isentress

Chronic Systemic Inflammatory Syndrome Should Come Under COPD – A Viewpoint

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
A Viewpoint in The Lancet, special COPD edition has articulated that COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is no longer only a disease of lungs.
