Health Update

AIIMS Doctors’ Strike Continues

All India Institute of Medical SciencesThe resident doctors’ strike at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) will go on, said the general body conference of the physicians on yesterday evening. According to the decision taken at a general body conference of the physicians, about 700 medical doctors would not offer OPD and ward services.

Cholera Takes More Than 100 Lives In Orissa

Orissa deaths due to Cholera
Kashipur, Orissa: Cholera has preyed more than hundred people in Orissa’s Koraput and Rayagada districts. More than 6000 people have got treatment thus far.

Mothers’ Gestational Diabetes Predicts Childhood Obesity

Women with Gestational DiabetesA study in Diabetes Care unveiled that treating women to normalize blood sugar, who develop diabetes during pregnancy, intensely lessens the risks of their infant turning obese in puerility,

Sons of Fatty Moms have Less Fertile Sperm Cells - Study

PregnancyA recent study has revealed that sons born to fatty women can be less productive and may have poorer quality sperm cells. Obesity is believed to have an effect on a woman’s possibilities of pregnancy, and the latest study is the initial to discover a relation between overweight and the fertility of the next generation.

Wine & Beer Lessen Kidney Cancer Risks – A Swedish Study

WineDrinking wine or beer could lessen the risk of kidney cancer, says a recent Swedish study. The researchers at Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute studied the relation between intake of different types of alcoholic drinks and the chance of developing kidney cancer.

Calcium Reduces Bone Loss In 50-Plus People

A report released in ‘The Lancet’ revealed that intake of calcium supplements in addition to vitamin D, radically lessens the risk of breaking a bone in people over 50.
