Health Update

Offspring of Holocaust survivors with PTSD display lower stress hormone levels

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Washington, Sept. 4 : People whose parents are Holocaust survivors with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have on average lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol than the adult offspring of parents without PTSD, according a small study.

Smoking in movies raises teens' likelihood of becoming established smokers

Smoking in Movies
Washington, Sept. 4 : Teenagers' likelihood of becoming established smokers, a category of smokers who smoke at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetimes, increases with the amount of smoking they see in movies, says a report.

Study identifies key player in immune response to chronic stress

Chronic Stress

Knee arthritis may be the first sign of lung cancer in heavy smokers

Lung Cancer
Washington, Sept 4 : A research has suggested that arthritis of the knee may be the first sign of a type of lung cancer, which is difficult to treat, in heavy smokers.

The researchers studied the case notes of all patients suffering form rheumatic disorders.

Between 2000 and 2005, of 6500 patients, 296 (4.4 pct) were cases of monoarthritis-inflammation in just one joint-of the knee.

Newly identified monoclonal antibodies may help make Hepatitis C vaccine

Hepatitis C Life-Cycle
Washington, Sept. 4 : Scientists from Nottingham University have discovered monoclonal antibodies that may help make a successful vaccine for Hepatitis C, the single biggest cause of people requiring a liver transplant.

Study finds link between aluminium in deodorants and breast cancer

London, Sept 3 : A new study has found a possible link between aluminium in deodorants and breast cancer.

The study observed that women, who have had mastectomies, carried high levels of the metal in their outer breasts.

Dr Chris Exley, who tested 17 patients at Wythenshaw Hospital, Manchester, said that all of them had the metal concentrate closest to their underarms

"They all had higher concentrations of aluminium in the breast tissue closest to the underarm," the Mirror quoted Dr Chris Exley, as saying.
