Study Showing Fish Oil Benefiting Intelligence Of Kids, Criticized
Studies have shown various health benefits offered by fish oil. A recent study showed that intake of fish oil supplement regularly can boost the mental faculties of the child. But this study was criticized by various experts.
In this study, researchers analyzed the data collected from 3,000 students in Britain. These students were given fish capsules everyday for a period of six months leading up to their exams. The results of these children were compared with the other children who were not given the supplements.
The comparison showed that children from fish supplement group on average scored 17.7 points more as compared with the students who were not given these supplements. This study was conducted by Dave Ford, from the council's children and young people's services department.
This study has been condemned by various critics for its irrational approach.
Dr Goldacre, an award-winning medical writer, said that the present study is a laughably incompetent analysis of a laughably incompetent piece of research.
He added that it was bad science because there was no separate study of pupils not taking fish oil. The council admits the trial was not definitive.
He said that just because the study was poorly conducted, that did not mean there was no benefit to taking fish oil supplements.
Prof Tom Sanders of King's College, London said, "Making comparisons with a group that did not take supplements introduces selection bias. The conclusions cannot be trusted."
Mr Ford said, "This study has produced some interesting and possibly exciting issues that could be the basis for future scientific trials."
He added that he had been "upset" by the level of criticism the project had attracted from the scientific community. But, he said the Council had never been set out to conduct a scientific experiment. He said that the council made no claim the results of its GCSE study could be attributed to Omega-3 supplements alone.