Singapore warns of action against protestors during APEC summit

Singapore warns of action against protestors during APEC summit Singapore  - Singapore warned Thursday it would not tolerate violent protests during high profile events, including the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in November.

The city state's Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng warned tough action would be taken against protests like those seen recently in Thailand and London where demonstrators damaged public property and caused tourists to stay away.

Wong, who is also the home affairs minister, said a new Public Order Act was passed this week, giving the police more power to deal with those who disrupt public order.

"As many important heads of state and government will be here for the APEC Summit, we have to anticipate that it may attract terrorist interest," the Straits Times quoted Wong as saying.

Wong's remarks put on notice foreigners who might plan to cause a scene during the summit, saying some foreigners might instigate Singaporeans to stage street protests or even take part in these activities themselves during the summit. (dpa)
