Sheikh paid shrink £175k to rid Jacko of stage fright

Michael JacksonLondon, November 19 : An Arab sheikh, who had sued Michael Jackson for breaching a record deal, has claimed that he paid a Brit motivational expert 175,000 pounds to help the singer regain his confidence.

Prince Abdulla Al-Khalif, of Bahrain, alleged that the King of Pop had suffered stage fright post his child abuse trial and needed “creative assistance” so that he could honour a deal to produce two albums, a musical and a book with the royal, London’s High Court heard.

The prince’s barrister, Bankim Thanki QC argued that Tony Buzan, the expert, had been paid 175,000 pounds by the sheikh to help Jackson reclaim his self-belief.

“Mr Buzan didn’t come cheap as he is very much in demand,” the Sun quoted him as saying.

While the prince has sued Jackson for 4.8 million pounds for not sticking to contract, the singer has denied the claims, insisting any payments made had been gifts. (ANI)
