The ring Dodi picked for Diana was from ‘budget’ range

London, Dec 12: Princess DianaThe ring that Dodi Al Fayed is said to have ordered for Princess Diana was from a ready-made "budget" range, the inquest into the couple’s death has heard.

Emanuele Gobbo, who works at Repossi jewellers opposite the Ritz Hotel in Paris, said that the gold ring was picked straight out of general stock rather than being exclusive, and would have cost Dodi less than 6,000 pounds.

Gobbo told the London hearing that the ring was from a range "for people on a more limited budget".

He also revealed that Dodi would have got 50 per cent off on the11,500-pound ring as he was a VIP.

Giving evidence via video link, Gobbo said that never mentioned he was looking for an engagement ring.

He said that two rings were collected later and though Dodi wrote "engagement" on the receipt to describe one of the rings, he didn’t use the word.

The inquest has previously heard Gobbo's employer, Alberto Repossi’s claims that Dodi had confided in him that he was about to announce his engagement to Diana.

Dodi’s father, Mohammed Al Fayed, believes that the couple were engaged and is convinced that the car crash that killed them in August 1997 was an MI6-led "murder" to prevent the marriage. (ANI)
