United Kingdom

Geelani condemns India-UK military exercise in Ladakh

Srinagar, Sept. 27 : The Chairman of the hardline faction of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Shah Geelani has condemned the high-altitude military exercise by India and Britain in Ladakh.

Geelani said Ladakh is part of disputed Kashmir and the joint military exercise is in contravention of agreements.

Manners, not looks, matter to women looking for Mr Right

London, September 26 : When it comes to choosing Mr Right, it’s not so much a man’s killer looks or IQ that matters to a woman, but his manners.

The findings are based on a survey commissioned by Etiquette authority Debrett's.

During the survey, nearly two-thirds of women said that manners were the most important quality in the man of their dreams, while around a third chose intelligence. On the other hand, only one in 20 women said that she would want her partner to have handsome looks.

Glaxo Gets EU Nod For Cervical Cancer Vaccine 'Cervarix’

Glaxo Cervical Cancer
London: GlaxoSmithKline has stated that it has got nod from the European Commission for its cervical cancer vaccine ‘Cervarix’, which cleared up its way to launch the drug in European markets as one of its key new products.

UK Minister for Trade and Investment to host business networking lunch in Mumbai

London, Sept.25: Lord Digby Jones, Minister for Trade and Investment, and Vicki Treadell, British Deputy High Commissioner, in association with the Commonwealth Business Council (CBC), are hosting a networking lunch in Mumbai exploring India-UK business partnership opportunities.

The CBC, in association with the London Stock Exchange, is organising workshops in India targeted at companies that are seeking to raise capital overseas.

Current flu vaccine not effective in preventing influenza among elderly

London, Sept 25: UK’s National Health Services scientists have revealed that available influenza jabs have not done enough to prevent flu among the elderly.

In an article published in the October issue of The Lancet Infectious Diseases, they describe how sources of bias in other, non-randomized studies have exaggerated the flu vaccine’s value in preventing flu deaths among those over 70.

The authors also say that a less-than-ideal flu vaccine is beneficial than no vaccine at all.

British heiress Stephanie Allen looking for a divorce; Lindsay Lohan blamed

Lindsay Lohan
