United Kingdom

People with single password for online accounts more at risk of fraud

Cyber Crime

Half of new jobs in UK go to foreigners

London, Oct 6 : In the last one decade, more than half of all new jobs in the United Kingdom have gone to foreigners.

UK scientists develop new currency for space travellers

London, Oct. 6 : British scientists have reportedly designed a new currency that could be used by inter-planetary travellers in the future.

Churchill’s train returns from US scrap heap to Britain

UK Muslim pupils won't face outright ban on wearing the veil

London, Oct.5 : British ministers have decided that veils will not be banned in schools.

Indians living in the UK 'feel stronger ties to Britain than whites'

London, Oct 5 : Nine out of ten people of Indian origin living in the UK feel strongly that they belong to Britain and have stronger ties with the country than whites do, a survey has found.
