United Kingdom

UK council offers pole dancing classes for kids!

London, Oct 4 : A UK council has taken pole dancing out of the strip clubs, by offering classes of the dance form to children as young as 11.

Cardiff Council has announced that it will be offering pole dancing classes to kids as part of a council-run initiative.

The council further said that the workshops had “captured people’s imaginations” and “proved popular with families” as a great way to keep fit.

An advertisement for the dance form, overwhelmingly linked to the sex industry, states: “Try pole dancing, women and under-16s.”

Diana wasn’t pregnant with Dodi’s child: Coroner tells jury

London, Oct 3: The coroner overseeing the inquest into Princess Diana’s death has downplayed controversial claims that she was pregnant with boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed’s child.

Lord Justice Scott Baker devoted several hours of the first day of the long-awaited inquest dismissing reports and claims that the princess was engaged and pregnant to Harrod’s owner Mohamed Al Fayed’s son, weeks before their fatal 1997 car crash in Paris.

Racial and Religious Hatred Act comes into force in England

London, Oct 1 : Incitement to religious hatred will be a criminal offence in England and Wales from today with the commencement of the Racial and Religious Hatred Act.

New software converts speech into sign languages, uses avatar to communicate

Washington, Oct 1 : Researchers at IBM, UK, have developed a software that converts spoken words into sign language and engages an avatar to communicate using gestures.

Its developers say the onscreen translator, named “Say It Sign It”, could work as a pop-up on a television, personal computer, mobile phone or auditorium screen, giving the hearing impaired wider access to television, radio and education.

Fear necessary for school kids to overcome their fears

London, Oct 1 : A daily dose of fear is just what the doctor ordered for kids, insists a leading headmaster in the UK.

Anthony Seldon, the headmaster of Wellington College, insists that kids are too protected these days, and as a result are missing out on things, as they are not allowed to conquer their fears by confronting them.

Speaking at The Dangerous Event for Boys, Dr Seldon insisted that both boys and girls needed to start pushing themselves so that they can experience the 'challenge of adventure'.

Daily dark chocolate dose may help reduce chronic fatigue

London, Oct 1 : Eating a daily dose of dark chocolate a day may help reduce chronic fatigue say researchers from Hull York Medical School, UK.
