United Kingdom

UK House of Commons may be closed for three years

London, Oct 16 : The lower house of the British Parliament-- the House of Commons-- could be closed for three years for repair work.

Race laws come in the way of UK police crackdown on drug barons

London, Oct.16 : A police crackdown on cannabis factories run by Vietnamese drug barons has been scrapped after officers were warned that their actions might be racist.

2 in 3 older Brit women main breadwinners in their families

London, Oct 15 : A new survey has crushed the notion that older women are past their best, by finding that it’s them who are the main earners in their family.

Around half of Britain managers scared to take sick time off

UK to ban trans fats to tackle obesity epidemic

Expressing Christian views may not be to the liking of UK Muslims

London, Oct.15 : It seems that expressing Christian views in Britain may not be taken kindly to by the country's Muslim community.
