United Kingdom

UK scientists announce first birth of twins from lab-grown egg

London, Oct 25 : Scientists in the UK have announced the success of a revolutionary new fertility treatment, in vitro maturation (IVM), that enabled a Brit mother to give birth to twins– a boy and

Two UK prisons for foreigners only cost exchequer 15 million pounds

London, Oct.24 : The Bullwood Hall Jail in Essex, which has 184 inmates, and the Canterbury Jail in Kent, which has 284 inmates,have been opened exclusively for foreign criminals at a cost of over 15 million pounds.

According to a report in the Daily Mail, the Gordon Brown Government plans to open more foreigner only prisons if these two experiments succeed.

The move has been partly initiated due to foreign inmates having different language and other requirements. It also makes it easier for immigration staff struggling to deport foreign criminals.

The cost of running each of these jails is around 7.5million pounds a year to run.

British feeding their pets to death

London, Oct 24 : Almost nine out of ten dog owners in the UK love their pets to an early grave by feeding them cakes, biscuits and yoghurts, a new study has found.

The findings, from a poll of more than 1,000 owners by confectioner Mars, also revealed that 60 per cent of cat lovers are do the same to their felines.

The poll found that almost half of all dogs and cats in Britain are now officially overweight.

For example Beau, the Rottweiler of Farnworth, Lancs weighs 14 stone, while Fidget the cat of North Shields weighs 18lbs.

But the researchers also said that most owners are not aware of the health hazards it poses for animals.

UK boxer Amir Khan cleared of dangerous driving charges

London, Oct.24 : British boxer Amir Khan has been cleared of dangerous driving after he speeding through a red light and knocking down a pedestrian.

The world lightweight title hopeful reached a top speed of 47mph as he went through traffic lights in the wrong lane in Bolton town centre on March 2.

Geoffrey Hatton, 55, suffered a broken leg when he was hit by Khan's BMW 6-series convertible on a pelican crossing.

The jury at Bolton Crown Court agreed with Khan's argument that his driving was careless, but not dangerous.

Khan was impassive as the jury returned a verdict of not guilty of dangerous driving, but guilty of careless driving.

Judge Steven Everitt banned Khan from driving for six months and fined him 1,000 pounds.

Miss England asked to ‘fatten up’ for Miss World contest

London, Oct 23 : Miss England Georgia Horsley has been asked to put on weight to increase her prospects of bagging this year’s Miss World title.

British kids aged 10 given the legal power to punish teenage thugs

London, Oct.23 : Believe it or not, British children as young as ten are being given the power to mete out justice to teenage thugs.
