Tel Aviv

Iran won't have nuclear capability, Olmert says

Tel Aviv  -  Widespread international efforts against Iran's nuclear programme mean Tehran will not have nuclear capability, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in remarks published Thursday.

Hamas beefing up forces in Gaza Strip, report says

Hamas beefing up forces in Gaza Strip, report saysTel Aviv/ G

Israeli tanks shell kills Palestinian boy in Gaza Strip

Gaza - Israeli tank shelling killed a five-year-old Palestinian boy in the central Gaza Strip Sunday afternoon, Palestinian medical officials and witnesses said.

Israel begins largest-ever home-front emergency drill

Tel Aviv - With fears of Iran's nuclear programme very much in mind, Israel embarked on its largest-ever home-front emergency drill Sunday, meant to simulate responses to war and other emergency si

Muslim woman joins highly elite Israel Air Force rescue unit

Tel Aviv - The Israel Air Force has for the first time in its history recruited a Muslim to an elite rescue unit, an Israeli newspaper reported Friday.

Israeli minister comes under fire from Gaza

Tel Aviv - Israel's Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter and his delegation came under fire from Gaza Friday as they were touring Israel's border area near the strip, the minister said.
