Tel Aviv

Poll: 52 per cent of Israelis oppose giving up Golan Heights

Tel Aviv  - Most Israelis (52 per cent) are against giving up the occupied-Golan Heights in return for peace agreement with Syria, a poll published Thursday by an Israeli newspaper said.

Truck bomb explodes at Gaza border crossing, bomber dead

Gaza/Tel Aviv  - A truck loaded with explosives blew up Thursday morning at the northern Gaza Strip's border crossing of Erez with Israel, killing the Palestinian driver, an Israeli military spokes

Talks on Gaza truce still ongoing

Tel Aviv/Cairo  - Israel Wednesday would not confirm or deny Egyptian statements that it had accepted in principle a proposal for a truce in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli website gives new meaning to term "premature withdrawal"

Israel FlagTel Aviv  - It's not exactly sleeping with the enemy - very little actual slumber se

Humanity was genetically divided for as much as 100,000 years in Africa

Tel Aviv, May 17 : A mathematician from the Tel Aviv University has claimed that the human race was genetically divided into two separate groups within Africa for as much as 100,000 years, which is

Israelis set to celebrate Independence Day

Israeli FlagsTel Aviv - Israelis were set Thursday to flock to
