Jacko’s nanny tells court Arab sheikh paid his bill

Michael JacksonNew York, Nov 22: Michael Jackson’s nanny revealed during a hearing in London High Court that an Arab Sheikh had paid the king of pop’s utility bills.

Grace Rwaramba said that the ‘Thriller’ star was so broke that he needed a sheikh to pay his utility bills.

Rwaramba, said that she was "flabbergasted" when Jacko''s benefactor, Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al-Khalifa transferred 35,000 dollars into her account to cover the bills for Neverland Ranch in California.

When he followed up with a transfer of one million dollars, "it blew my mind," Rwaramba said.

She also said that the 33-year-old sheikh, the son of the king of Bahrain, made the initial 35,000 dollars payment before he ever met Jackson.

She said that the sheikh never asked the singer to repay him.

"It was a gift. He'd say, what can I do for my brother, what can I get the children," the New York Daily News quoted her as saying.

Al-Khalifa is suing the Thriller singer for 4.3million pounds for not sticking to his record deal of an autobiography, two albums and a musical. (ANI)
