New York

Teaching kids 'thank you' may be good for their health

New York, Nov 18: If you want your kids to be healthy and fit, teach them the basic etiquettes of saying, "thank you,” says a new study.

Judith Regan files $100 million lawsuit against News Corp over smear campaign

New York, Nov 14 : Controversial publisher Judith Regan has filed a 100-million-dollar suit against her former bosses at HarperCollins and News Corp alleging them of launching a smear campaign agai

NY lawyers demonstrate against emergency in Pakistan

New York, Nov 14: Lawyers of New York staged a protest here, expressing solidarity with lawyers and judges in Pakistan.

Katie Holmes’ VIP treatment during New York marathon

New York, November 12: Actress Katie Holmes was given VIP treatment even when she participated in a marathon with the thousands of other runners last Sunday.

Tortured Indonesian maid sought `witch doctor’ to curse her Indian -American employers

New York, Nov.

Big Apple landmarks spawn new wave of ‘suicide tourism’

New York, Nov 2 : Some of New York’s famous and scenic spots like the Empire State Building, Times Square and George Washington Bridge are among the sites often chosen by the tourists to commit sui
