New York

Bush considering expansion of CIA covert operations in Pak tribal areas: NYT

Washington/New York/Islamabad, Jan.

Benazir’s political treatise-cum-memoir rushed into print

former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir BhuttoNew York, Dec 28: Leading publisher HarperCollins has hastened the release date of former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's new book, which is a political treatise-cum-memoir, following her assassination on Thursday.

After receiving the manuscript of “Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy and the West,” HarperCollins decided to move it quickly to get it on the shelves by February, the Dawn reported.

HarperCollins had signed up the book for an estimated advance of 75,000 dollars just ahead of her return to Pakistan in October after eight years of self-imposed exile.

New York Police boosts security in city's Pakistani-dominant areas

New York Police boosts security in city's Pakistani-dominant areas

Man who booked wedding; saved life of groom

New York: Matt Fulgieri’s wedding’s scheduling saved his life. The sales manager, Rick Bellando, of a Long Island banquet hall donated his kidney to Fulgieri, one of his former customers.    

Pete Doherty cashing in on stormy romance with Kate Moss?

New York, Dec 17: Pete Doherty is encashing money from his stormy romance with Kate Moss, say reports.

‘I’ve just snapped,’ Omaha mall shooter says in his suicide note

New York, Dec 8: Hawkins, the gunman who went on a shooting rampage in a US shopping mall on Wednesday afternoon killing eight people before shooting himself, said in a suicide note that he was “ju
