
Danish navy vessel rescues suspected pirates

Copenhagen - A Danish navy vessel has rescued seven suspected pirates in the Gulf of Aden, the Royal Danish Navy said Friday.

Denmark lowers lending rate to 4.25 per cent

DenmarkCopenhagen - Denmark's central bank Thursday shadowed an interest rate cut by the European

Greenpeace protests against coal transport

Greenpeace LogoCopenhagen - Activists from environmental group Greenpeace Tuesday tried to board a ship loaded with coal between the main Danish islands of Zealand and Fyn.

The protest, staged in two dinghies, was timed to coincide with the UN climate change conference that opened Monday in Poznan, Poland.

The 300-metre long vessel was loaded with coal from South Africa and was headed for Aabenraa where Danish energy group Dong Energy operates a coal-fired plant.

Greenpeace said it was "shameful" that Denmark each year imports some 8.3 million tons of coal, generating 19 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).

Danish navy vessel leads operation against Somali pirates

SomaliaCopenhagen - The Danish navy was involved over the weekend in an operation against pirates of the coast of Somalia, a Royal Danish Navy spokesman said Monday.

Spokesman Jesper Lynge told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that the Danish Task Group onboard the Danish navy vessel Absalon "led an operation" after reports that a civilian vessel was being threatened by pirates.

The Danish Task Group currently leads the Task Force 150.

Absalon, with a 100-strong crew and a 50-strong task force, has since early September been deployed in the waters off Somalia, Lynge said.

CSC team hits a bump as incoming sponsor is bankrupt

Team CSC LogoCopenhagen - The new sponsor for the CSC team of Danish ex-cyclist Bjarne Riis is bankrupt, reports said Monday.

Asger Jensby, chairman and co-owner of IT Factory, told Danish news agency Ritzau that the company is to file for bankruptcy.

A warrant has been filed for the group's chief executive who is suspected of fraud, the report said.

As of 2009, IT Factory was to have become co-sponsor of the racing team along with online investment bank Saxo.

US-based IT company CSC has been the team's main sponsor for the past eight years but in March said it was pulling out of professional cycling.

New pre-natal screening rules halves the number of children born with Down syndrome
