
European Monetary Union: More gain than pain

Brussels - Euro CurrencyThe euro is often trumpeted as the European Union's boldest and mos

EU threatens action against France over excessive deficit forecast

European UnionBrussels - The European Union's top economic official Monday threatened to take action

EU cuts economic growth forecasts

Brussels  - Growth forecasts for the world's largest economy, the European Union, were Monday cut by about half a percentage point to 2 per cent this year and 1.8 per cent in 2009, according to lat

Brussels welcomes deal on immigrant detentions

Brussels - The European Union's executive Friday welcomed a deal between the European Parliament and member states limiting to six months the period over which illegal immigrants can be detained.

Brussels has no plans to abolish England, officials vow

Eurpeon Union LogoBrussels - The European Union has no plans to ab

France's Barrot to replace Frattini at EU commission, Barroso

Brussels  - In a surprise move, EC President Jose Manuel Barroso announced Tues
