
Two British soldiers killed in Afghanistan

London - Two British soldiers were killed in southern Afghanistan, the British defence ministry said late Thursday.

Crucial Afghanistan conference opens in Paris

Paris  - Representatives of 67 nations and 17 international organizations gathered in Paris Thursday to give a political boost, and collect a large sum of money, for the international development e

NATO forces had informed Pak Army of Mohmand operation, says spokesman

Washington, June 12 : A spokesman for the US coalition forces operating in Afghanistan has said that Pakistan was informed about the attack on the check post at Mohmand Agency in NWFP, which killed

Kabul tells Pak its peace pacts must ensure peace in Afghanistan as well

Islamabad, June 11 : An Afghan delegation on a visit to Pakistan has said that cross-border militant activities (in Afghanistan from Pakistani side) had gone up by 16 percent since the new NWFP government inked peace agreements with pro-Taliban militants in its tribal areas across Pak-Afgan border, to end violence inside its territory.

The delegation members said such peace agreements with tribal militants should aim at ending terrorism and violence on both sides of the border and not just inside Pakistan.

During a frank exchange of views in a joint sitting hosted by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC) at Parliament House, the delegation said “agreements should intend to end war in the region and not just on one side of the border”, reported the Daily Times.

US airstrikes kill several Afghan civilians, say survivors

Kabul - Residents in eastern Afghanistan said Wednesday that dozens of civilians were killed in a US military airstrike, while coalition forces claimed that the raids killed several militants and four civilians.

The attack took place in Mata Khan District in south-eastern province of Paktika near the border with Pakistan on Tuesday night, the military and local sources said.

"The US aircrafts bombed several houses in Ebrahim Kariz village and killed around 40 civilians," Haji Mangal, a tribal elder in the area told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.

"First the military forces bombed the area and then descended soldiers from helicopters", Mangal said, adding that the dead included several women and children.

Pakistan’s ISI helping Taliban in Afghanistan

Washington, June 10: A leading US think-tank has said that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Frontier Corps have failed to root out Afghan insurgents based in Pakistan and some individuals from these organizations have provided direct assistance to groups like the Taliban and Haqqani network.

If Taliban sanctuary bases in Pakistan are not eliminated, the US and its NATO allies will face crippling long-term consequences in their effort to stabilize and rebuild Afghanistan, according to a RAND Corporation study.

The study, funded by the U. S. Department of Defence, finds that every successful insurgency in Afghanistan since 1979 enjoyed safe haven in neighbouring countries, and the current insurgency is no different, said the report.
