Public Help asked to Name Newly Discovered Geological Features of Pluto and its Largest Moon

NASA's New Horizons mission, the SETI Institute and the International Astronomical Union (IAU) has started a new campaign in which people have been asked to suggest names for newly discovered features of Pluto and also of its satellites.

People can suggest names from the given themes of the IAU for the celestial bodies. The campaign has been started as on July 14, 2014, NASA's New Horizons probe will fly past Pluto and its largest satellite, Charon.

As it will fly past Pluto and its largest moon, it will provide first close-up look at the celestial bodies. Officials affirmed that the flyby would be so quick that the new Horizons team would not have time to name the geological features in advance.

Therefore, they are making all the preparations in advance only. With this campaign, they will have a compilation of words in advance only. The suggested names will be submitted to the International Astronomical Union, which is the organization that officially names features on planets and moons in our solar system.

One of the conditions for the public is that the suggest name should come under the general theme of 'exploration'. On the official website, rules and regulations have been clearly explained needed to vote and list the names for each category.

On April 7, the voting will end. The submitted names will first be sort through by the New Horizons team and then they would be submitted to the IAU. This is not the first time that astronomers have taken help from public to name space-related things.

In 2014, the IAU asked the public to help in labeling craters on Mercury. However, the current campaign is considered to be most comprehensive open ballot till date.