President Patil stresses need to correct inequities in higher education

Pratibha PatilNew Delhi, Feb 25 : President Pratibha Patil today called for inclusive approache to correct the inequities in higher education.

Addressing the Sub-regional Conference of South, South-West and Central Asia on Higher Education here, Patil said, “Expansion of the higher education system must be accompanied by steps to ensure quality and high standards.”

“ Adjustments need to be made within institutions especially on learning strategies and curriculum content. Quality assurance mechanisms which encourage the robust development of higher education should be adopted”, she added

Patil said that higher education poses for many the challenge of having access to adequate finance. A scheme for making scholarships available to students and providing interest subsidies on educational loans for professional courses is important for ensuring that nobody is denied professional education on account of lack of financial resources.

“ A special revolving fund should be created from which loans at no interest are given to them for pursuing higher education and which they can return after they start earning,” she added.

Touching on female education, the President said that women''s increased participation in higher education could make them harbingers of change in society.

Welcoming the considerable rise in representation of women on decision making boards and academia, she said the process must be encouraged.

The President also expressed concern over drug consumption among students.

"Drugs debilitate life and when students take to drugs they are drawn away from academic and intellectual pursuits, often disturbing campus life. There should be a campaign to make students aware of the ill effects of drug consumption," she said.

She said interactions between educational institutions of different countries and exchange of students will promote international goodwill.

The theme of the conference is: ''Facing Global and Local Challenges: the New Dynamics for Higher Education'' and is part of a series of regional conferences being organized as prelude to the World Conference on Higher Education to be convened by UNESCO in July this year. (ANI)
