Valdis Dombrovskis

Latvian leader to visit Berlin

Latvian leader to visit Berlin Berlin - Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis is to visit Berlin next week for talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel, German government spokesman Ulrich Wilhelm said Friday.

They are to discuss the world economic crisis.

Latvia has been resisting tough terms set out by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a 7.5-billion-euro (9.7-billion-dollar) bail-out package. The government has foreshadowed huge spending cuts as the embattled Baltic state struggles to meet IMF economic criteria.

No plan to ask for extra billion euros, says Latvian prime minister

Latvia Prime Minister Valdis DombrovskisRiga  - Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis said Monday his government did not intend to approach international lenders for an additional 1 billion euros (1.35 billion dollars) on top of an existing 7.5-billion assistance package, as reported by some media.

"Is Latvia's government requesting an additional billion? The answer is no," he said during a press briefing.

However, Dombrovskis stopped short of ruling out such action in future.

ROUNDUP: Latvia's government-to-be agrees budget cuts

 Latvia's government-to-be agrees budget cutsRiga  - Latvia's prime minister-designate Valdis Dombrovskis announced on Wednesday that his centre-right coalition had agreed on its legislative programme, including big spending cuts.

Riga's government collapsed last month under the pressure of the economic meltdown.

The new government's priorities will include the promotion of entrepreneurship, a reduction in bureaucracy and the efficient use of EU funds - but also controversial cutbacks in public service salaries.

Latvia edges towards launch of new centre-right government

Valdis DombrovskisRiga - Latvia moved closer to getting a new government Wednesday when prime minister-designate Valdis Dombrovskis announced that his centre-right coalition had agreed on its legislative programme.

Priorities will include the promotion of entrepreneurship, a reduction in bureaucracy and the efficient use of EU funds, Dombrovskis said, ahead of the release of the full text of his government declaration.

"This is the solution we have reached," said Dombrovskis, who last month was called back to Latvia from his work as a member of the European Parliament in order to head a new government.