John McCain

McCain’s VP choice accused of misleading Republican-supporters

McCain’s VP choice accused of misleading Republican-supportersNew York, Sep. 1: Republican presidential nominee John McCain’s running mate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has been accused of misleading party supporters over a controversial bridge project in her home state.

According to the New York Times, Palin told a cheering audience in Ohio on Friday that she had turned down an offer from the US Congress to build the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere", which would have connected Gravina Island with Ketchikan International, an airport in Alaska''s southeast serving just 200,000 passengers a year.

The Bush-Cheney factor: How will McCain use them?

Washington - The Bush-Cheney factor: How will McCain use them?One of John McCain's biggest challenges between now and November's general election will be exactly how to use his Republican compatriot George W Bush - an unpopular two-term president who still appeals to the party's conservative base.

President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are scheduled to speak Monday night at the Republican Party's nominating convention in St Paul, Minnesota.

McCain''''s VP pick under ethics probe

Sarah Palin, John McCainDenver, Aug. 30 : Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is said to have fired a top law enforcement official in her administration because he had failed to dismiss a state trooper who was involved in a divorce with her sister.

This month, a bipartisan panel of state legislators appointed an independent investigator to look into the case, and if true, it could besmirch her credentials as a champion of ethics, says the New York Times.

Democrats, liberals say women won’t buy McCain’s VP choice

 Democrats, liberals say women won’t buy McCain’s VP choiceWashington, Aug. 30 : A certain section of Democrats and Liberals have claimed that women won’t buy Republican presidential nominee John McCain’s choice of running mate – Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

Debbie Dingell, a loyal Clinton backer and the wife of Rep. John D. Dingell (Democrat-Michigan), said she had been talking to women all day on Thursday and Friday, and they claimed that felt "insulted" by the move.

Republicans thrilled by John McCain's Veep choice, Democrats skeptical

John McCainMinneapolis, Aug. 30: John McCain's choice of Republican running mate -- Alaska Governor Sarah Palin -- has made a key evangelical leader and a foe of him, a believer, the New York Times reports.

James Dobson told The Washington Times on Friday that he now fully supports McCain.

"If flip-flopping is a sin, I'm a sinner. As you know, I once said I don't see how I could ever come to support John McCain," Dobson was quoted, as saying.

It's Obama's to lose, McCain has too much baggage to overcome," says expert

It's Obama's to lose, McCain has too much baggage to overcome," says expertNew York, Aug. 30 : A consultant with the Republican Party has said that the forthcoming November 4 presidential poll has all the makings of a political cracker of a contest, a contest that’s Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s to lose, a contest in which his Republican rival, John McCain is going into with too much baggage to overcome.
