John McCain

John McCain to announce running mate today

U.S. Republican presidential hopeful John McCainWashington, Aug. 29: U. S. Republican presidential hopeful John McCain has said he is yet to make a decision on who will be his running mate.

He made the remarks in a morning interview with KDKA radio station on Thursday.

McCain is set to announce his pick on Friday in front of a big rally of 15,000 people in Ohio.

McCain congratulates Obama, hammers acceptance speech

McCain congratulates Obama, hammers acceptance speechDenver, Colorado - Republican presidential candidate John McCain congratulated Democrat Barack Obama on his nomination Thursday, but a McCain spokesman said that Obama's acceptance speech did nothing to ease voters' concerns about his inexperience.

McCain, in an advertisement that aired on television networks just before Obama formally accepted the party nomination for president, said it was "truly a good day for America."

Vladimir Putin alleges George Bush orchestrated Georgia war to get John McCain elected as next Prez

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir PutinMoscow, Aug 29: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has said that the Georgia conflict may have been orchestrated by US President George Bush in a bid to get his party’s presidential nominee John McCain win this November election.

Though Putin did not specify which candidate he was talking about, but there was no doubt that he was referring to Senator John McCain, the Republican presidential dandidate, reported the New York Times.

Republican nominee McCain could surprise in November

Republican nominee McCain could surprise in NovemberWashington - Barack Obama's celebrity candidacy has stolen the international spotlight, but Republican Party standardbearer John McCain's chances of capturing the White House in November may be better than foreign observers perceive.

His populist "straight talk" style, relatively moderate views on domestic issues and hawkish foreign policy - girded by a maverick reputation within his own party - resonate well with centrist and

McCain campaign mocks Obama’s Greek-columned nomination acceptance stage

John McCainDenver, Aug. 28 : Republican John McCain''s campaign has mocked the massive neoclassical set created for Democrat rival Obama''s speech at 75,000-seat Invesco Field here.

Some Republicans have dubbed it the "Barackopolis," while others suggested the delegates should wear togas to fit in among the same Doric columns the ancient Greeks believed would stroke the egos of Zeus and Athena.

"It''s only appropriate that Barack Obama would descend down from the heavens and spend a little time with us mere mortals when accepting the Democratic nomination," said Republican National Committee spokesman Danny Diaz.

McCain goes for Obama’s jugular in latest ad

Voters think Obama better for economy; CBS-NY Times Poll revealsWashington, Aug. 28 : Seeking to destroy Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama’s credibility ahead of the November 4 polls, Republican John McCain’s campaign has launched a new attack on the former’s foreign policy views.

McCain’s advertisement, entitled “Tiny,” is designed to undermine the theme of Democratic convention’s third night, national security.
