John McCain

McCain losing his way because of Wall Street meltdown: WSJ editorial

McCain losing his way because of Wall Street meltdown: WSJ editorialNew York, Sept. 24 : Republican presidential candidate John McCain is furiously trying to suggest ways to arrest the financial meltdown on Wall Street, but is doing so through childish reflex actions, says the Wall Street Journal in an editorial.

He recent statement that the Chairman of the New York-based Securities and Exchange Commission, Chris Cox, should be decapitated as he was not “looking around at the facts”, has provoked the Wall Street Journal.

Michael Dukakis accuses McCain of race-baiting tactics

New York, Sept. 24 : Former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis has accused Republican presidential candidate John McCain of promoting “race-baiting” tactics against his Democratic opponent Barack Obama.

Dukakis had an ominous warning for Barack Obama – “Don''t forget Willie Horton.”

In an interview with PolitickerMA. com, Dukakis claimed the McCain camp is using the same tactics that sunk his presidential campaign in 1988.

"The same thing is happening this year," the New York Daily News quoted him, as saying.

He was referring to a recent McCain Campaign ad that claimed Obama got advice from Franklin Raines, a former CEO of the recently bailed out mortgage giant Fannie Mae.

Freddie Mac did pay millions to McCain aide’s firm despite denial: NYT

Washington, Sep 24: Freddie Mac did pay millions to McCain aide’s firm despite denial: NYTFreddie Mac, one of the giant mortgage companies at the heart of the credit crisis, paid 15,000 dollars to a firm owned by John McCain’s campaign manager despite earlier claims by Republican presidential candidate that the aide had broken ties with the company.

The disclosure undercuts a statement by McCain on Sunday night that the campaign manager, Rick Davis, had had no involvement with the company for the last several years, The New York Times reported.

Biden disapproves ‘terrible’ ad mocking McCain as a computer illiterate

Barack Obama retakes lead over John McCain: CBS/NYT pollWashington, Sep 23 : Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s running mate Joe Biden has said that a campaign ad that mocked Republican presidential candidate John McCain as computer illiterate was “terrible” and would not have been done had he known about it.

Obama, McCain’s Democratic rival, launched the ad earlier this month, part of an aggressive push to slow McCain’s rise in the polls after he chose Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate.

New McCain ad links Obama to old Chicago corruption

John McCain, Barack ObamaWashington, Sep 23 : John McCain trying to reclaim the advantage that slipped to Barack Obama as the Wall Street mess has unfolded, has criticized his democratic rival of running the same “corrupt Chicago political machine” as convicted felon and Obama patron Tony Rezko and the Daley family, which controls Chicago politics.

McCain’s campaign in a new advertisement said they are raising the corruption issue because the press has failed to do so, the Washington Post reported.

McCain, Palin disagree on causes of global warming

Washington, Sep 23 :McCain, Palin disagree on causes of global warming Republican presidential candidate John McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin disagree on the question of climate change, as the Alaska Governor has focused on how to adapt to global warming rather than how to combat it.

Palin has publicly questioned scientists’ near-consensus that human activity plays a role in the rising temperatures, the Washington Post reported.

She fought the administration’s listing of polar bears as threatened with extinction because of shrinking sea ice.
