John McCain

McCain warns stakes are huge for Congress on financial crisis

John McCainNew York - Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Thursday warned the US Congress that a misstep on the financial crisis could make things much worse than they already are, and repeated his call for a bipartisan solution.

"For the Congress, this is one of those moments in history when poor decisions, made in haste, could turn a crisis into a far- reaching disaster," McCain said in a speech to the Clinton Global Intiative, a development foundation set up by former president Bill Clinton.

McCain’s Curveball Not Without Risks

McCain’s Curveball Not Without RisksWashington, Sept.

Obama gains lead Over McCain

New York, Sept. 25 : Obama gains lead Over McCainBarack Obama has recaptured the lead — 45 percent to 39 percent — over John McCain in the presidential race, according to a FOX News poll released Wednesday.

In this latest poll independents give a slight edge to Obama, though many have moved back into the undecided column.

In addition, the poll shows Obama has improved his position on the most important issue to voters this year — the economy. He is seen as the best candidate to handle the nation’s economy, and more voters also say he would be better at handling the current financial crisis facing the country.

McCain suspends campaign to help with Wall Street bailout

Washington, Sept. 25 :McCain suspends campaign to help with Wall Street bailout Republican presidential candidate John McCain will suspend his presidential campaign Thursday and has asked to postpone his debate Friday with Barack Obama so that the two senators can return to Washington to help negotiate a Wall Street bailout, an approach that Obama promptly rejected.

“America this week faces an historic crisis in our financial system. If we do not act, every corner of our country will be impacted. We cannot allow this to happen,” McCain said in mid-afternoon remarks to reporters in New York.

Bush to meet with Obama, McCain, congressional leaders

Washington - US President George W Bush plans to meet Thursday in Washington Bush to meet with Obama, McCain, congressional leaders with presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain as well as congressional leaders to discuss the ongoing US financial crisis and a proposed 700-billion-dollar rescue.

Congress turned increasingly skeptical in hearings Wednesday toward the Bush administration's bailout plan. The president was scheduled to give a television address to the nation late Wednesday.

McCain looks to upstage Obama on financial crisis

Washington - McCain looks to upstage Obama on financial crisisRepublican candidate John McCain upstaged Democratic opponent Barack Obama by suspending his campaign to deal with the nation's financial crisis, an attempt to overcome the Arizona senator's perceived disadvantage on economic issues.

In taking the extraordinary step away from the campaign trail and heading to Washington, McCain hopes to show that he can set aside politics for the good of he country. He called on Obama to agree to a delay of the first presidential debate scheduled for Friday, so the two candidates can return to the US Senate.
