John McCain

Bush, Obama, McCain condemn Islamabad blast

Bush, Obama, McCain condemn Islamabad blastWashington, Sept 21 : US President George Bush and both the Presidential candidates – Democrats’ Barack Obama and Republican John McCain – have condemned yesterday’s suicide bombing at a hotel in Islamabad killing 50 persons and injuring more than 200.

A statement released by the US Presidency said: “President Bush offered his sincere condolences to the families of all those lost in today''s vicious attack.”

McCain's Brazilian love found after more than 50 years, report says

Rio de Janeiro -McCain's Brazilian love found after more than 50 years, report says A 77-year-old Brazilian former model who was the young love of US Republican presidential candidate John McCain has been found by a newspaper in the South American country.

Maria Garcinda Tedixeira de Jesus met McCain in 1957 while he was in Rio de Janeiro on leave from his Navy ship. At the time, he was still a cadet at the US Naval Academy. He spent every free minute with the Brazilian beauty and describes the encounter in his 1999 memoir Faith of my Fathers.

Race for the White House comes to New York, UN

New York - Race for the White House comes to New York, UNThe US presidential election is going international as Republican rival John McCain and running mate Sarah Palin will be joining an annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations this week.

Details of their visit to New York remain sketchy.

McCain has accepted an invitation to speak at former president Bill Clinton's Global Initiative Foundation, which focuses on climate change, energy and development issues and will include more than 50 current and former heads of state.

In Vietnam, interest in one time POW McCain is mixed

In Vietnam, interest in one time POW McCain is mixedHanoi (Vietnam), Sept. 20 : Arizona Senator John McCain’s decision to run for the post of United States President this year, has evoked mix reactions in Hanoi, Vietnam, the place where he was a prisoner of war in the late 1960s.

For most Vietnamese, the McCain POW story is an obscure artifact of a receding history.

In a week of interviews around Hanoi, neither his imprisonment nor his presidential candidacy seemed to arouse much excitement.

John McCain offers choice to Americans: ‘Country First or Obama First’

Republican presidential candidate John McCainNew York, Sept. 20: Republican presidential candidate John McCain has launched another broadside against Democratic rival Barack Obama.

Using his starkest language to date in the run-up to the November 4 presidential poll, McCain on Friday repeatedly asked the American voter to make a choice between “Country First” or “Obama First”

Obama mocks McCain’s rant on financial crisis

Washington, Sept. 19 : Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama scathingly attacked Republican rival John McCain over the economy on Thursday, and suggested that the latter was "ranting" as the national financial crisis continues.

Obama mocked McCain for saying, earlier in the day, that he wanted to fire the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

"Don''t just get rid of one guy. Get rid of this bureaucracy," the Washington Post quoted Obama, as saying.

By favoring both greater regulation and less, Obama said, McCain "can''t decide whether he''s Barry Goldwater or Dennis Kucinich."
