Dick Cheney

Cheney to undergo procedure for abnormal heartbeat

Cheney to undergo procedure for abnormal heartbeat Washington - Doctors examining US Vice President Dick Cheney discovered an abnormal rhythm in his heart Wednesday and ordered him to undergo treatment, the White House said.

Cheney has cancelled plans to attend a campaign event in Illinois to go to George Washington University Hospital for the outpatient procedure involving an electrical impulse to restore a normal rhythm in his heart's upper chamber, Cheney spokeswoman Megan Mitchell said.

US Vice President Cheney in Ukraine to show support on NATO, Russia

Kiev/Moscow - US Vice President Cheney in Ukraine to show support on NATO, Russia US Vice President Dick Cheney shook hands with Ukrainian leaders Friday in a short tour of strategic allies in the region amid the fall-out from the brief war between Georgia and Russia.

Cheney was meeting with President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in the throes of the latest domestic feud between pro-Western and Russian-leaning blocs in the former Soviet state.

US Vice President Cheney arrives in Tbilisi

Tbilisi, Georgia -US Vice President Cheney arrives in Tbilisi US Vice President Dick Cheney arrived in the capital of Georgia on Thursday in a show of support for the pro- Western government after Russian troops pushed into the former Soviet state in a brief war over its separatist regions.

Cheney is the highest ranking US official to visit Georgia since the fighting in mid-August and his visit is timed with Washington's announcement that it was boosting aid to the former Soviet republic.

The Bush-Cheney factor: How will McCain use them?

Washington - The Bush-Cheney factor: How will McCain use them?One of John McCain's biggest challenges between now and November's general election will be exactly how to use his Republican compatriot George W Bush - an unpopular two-term president who still appeals to the party's conservative base.

President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are scheduled to speak Monday night at the Republican Party's nominating convention in St Paul, Minnesota.

US Vice President Cheney to travel to Georgia, 3 other countries

Washington  - US Vice President Dick Cheney is to travel to Georgia and three other countries next week, highlighted by talks with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, Washington said Monday.

Cheney''s staff censored global warming-related testimony

Washington, July 9 : An official attached with U. S. Vice President Dick Cheney''s office has been accused of editing out six pages from a global warming-related testimony given by Julie L.
