Dick Cheney

Cheney says he is warm, lovable

Dick CheneyWashington, Jan 8 : US Vice President Dick Cheney has said that his image has gotten a bad rap in the press, and added that he is in fact "a warm, lovable sort."

Cheney conceded in an interview with CBS radio that he sometimes expresses himself "rather forcefully toward some of my compatriots, like Pat Leahy from Vermont", but dismissed as a caricature the idea that he is a "Darth Vader-type personality."

"I think all of that's been pretty dramatically overdone," Politico. com quoted the vice president, as saying. "I'm actually a warm, lovable sort," he added.

US Prez has authority to launch nuke strike without anyone’s permission: Cheney

Washington, Dec 22 : US Vice President Dick Cheney has said that aggressive prosecution of the War on Terror was a major reason that the nation hasn't been attacked in seven years of Bush Administration's rule, adding that President George W Bush has the authority to launch a nuclear strike the world has never seen.

In an interview to FOX News, Cheney, a 40-year veteran of Washington politics, tried to straighten out a few misconceptions about his tenure and the way the executive and legislative branches are supposed to work.

He said the 1973 War Powers Act is a violation of the Constitution because Congress does not have the right by statute to alter presidential constitutional power.

Dick Cheney, Alberto Gonzales indicted in Texas for alleged abuse of prisoners

Dick Cheney, Alberto Gonzales indicted in Texas for alleged abuse of prisonersWashington, Nov 19 : American Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales have been indicted on separate charges related to alleged prisoner abuse in federal detention centers.

A South Texas grand jury has indicted Cheney and Gonzales on charges related to the alleged abuse of prisoners in Willacy County’s federal detention centers.

US Vice President Cheney indicted by Texas grand jury

US Vice President Cheney indicted by Texas grand jury Washington  - A local Texas grand jury has indicted Vice President Cheney and former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on charges connected to alleged abuse of inmates in a private prison system, a Texas newspaper reported late Monday on its website.

The Brownsville Herald reported that the grand jury in Willacy County, hearing evidence presented by District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra, returned several counts against Cheney and Gonzales as well as Texas officials including a state senator and state district judges.

Biden meets Cheney, whom he called 'most dangerous vice president'

Biden meets Cheney, whom he called 'most dangerous vice president'Washington  - US Vice President Dick Cheney on Thursday welcomed vice president-elect Joe Biden to his official residence at the Naval Observatory in north-west Washington DC.

The meeting followed Monday's exchange between president-elect Barack Obama and President George W Bush at the White House, as part of the transition process.

As Obama prepares for inauguration on January 20, he announced Thursday that he would be resigning his US Senate seat, effective Sunday.

Cheney undergoes procedure for abnormal heartbeat

US Vice President Dick CheneyWashington - US Vice President Dick Cheney underwent treatment Wednesday after doctors discovered an abnormal rhythm in his heart, the White House said.

Cheney cancelled plans to attend a campaign event in Illinois and went to George Washington University Hospital in the capital for the outpatient procedure, involving an electrical impulse to restore a normal rhythm in his heart's upper chamber, Cheney spokeswoman Megan Mitchell said.

Cheney, 67, has a history of heart problems and suffered four heart attacks beginning in his 30s. The most recent attack occurred in 2000.
