Barack Obama

Obama's inaugural parade includes 10,000 performers

Obama's inaugural parade includes 10,000 performersWashington  - Just as the million-strong crowd dissolved on the National Mall after President Barack Obama's inaugural oath Tuesday, tens of thousands of others remained along Pennsylvania Avenue in hopes of catching a glimpse of the newly-minted leader in the parade.

Obama and First Lady Michelle, who wore a yellow sheath and matching coat that hung open despite subfreezing weather, boarded the new presidential limousine to lead the parade that carries them over the 2.5-kilometre-distance to their new home at the White House.

High tech Obama's web team beats him into office

High tech Obama's web team beats him into office San Francisco  - The inauguration of US President Barack Obama was greeted by an instantaneous avalanche of chatter and commentary on the internet.

But the web team of the new leader was not far behind. In fact, by many measures, it beat not only the bloggers but also the president himself.

At precisely 12:01 pm local time, pictures of Obama and his family appeared on the home page of the president's website Whitehouse. gov alongside four features, under the headline Change Has Come to America

Nordic leaders welcome Obama, hope for cooperation

Nordic leaders welcome Obama, hope for cooperation Oslo/Copenhagen  - Nordic leaders Tuesday congratulated new US President Barack Obama on his inauguration and expressed hopes for good cooperation in the future with the new administration.

Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he expected "very, very close ties" to remain between the United States and Denmark, and hoped to cooperate on efforts to tackle climate change.

"We expect him to be very active in achieving a climate treaty in Copenhagen in December," Rasmussen told Danish television news.

Crowd roared and wept as Obama took presidential oath

Crowd roared and wept as Obama took presidential oathWashington  - Tears flowed and the crowd roared as Barack Obama took the presidential oath on a subfreezing Tuesday and signalled the beginning of a new era in Washington under the Democratic president and the nation's first African American to live in the White House.

The boisterous crowd, which had booed when outgoing Republican US President George W Bush stepped onto stage, fell briefly silent at the moment Obama swore the oath.

Obama Speech Text

Obama Speech TextWashington  - US President Barack Obama's inaugural speech, final part:

Text of Barack Obama's inaugural speech

Text of Barack Obama's inaugural speechWashington - US President Barack Obama was sworn into office at noon (1700 GMT) Tuesday as the first black president of the United States.

Below is Obama's inaugural address as released in advance by the Presidential Inaugural Committee:

My fellow citizens:

I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.
