Barack Obama

Obama''s message, a signal of deliverance as well as a warning to America''s enemies: NYT

Obama''s message, a signal of deliverance as well as a warning to America''s enemies: NYTWashington, Jan. 21 : The inauguration speech delivered by the United States's 44th President, Barack Obama, on Tuesday, was a message much of the world was waiting to hear, says a New York Times editorial.

It was a message of hope and determination to overcome the challenges at home, but was also matched with a warning to America's enemies, especially terrorists and terror-sponsoring nations, that "you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you."

Arab media hails Obama era

Arab media hails Obama eraWashington, Jan. 21: Leading media outlets in the Arabic world and Iran have hailed the beginning of the Obama era.

In its front page, the London-based Saudi pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat said "In his inauguration speech tomorrow, U. S. President Barack Obama will be calling upon Americans to embrace a new, responsible behavior, instead of sitting in the spectators' seats."

Al-Quds al-Arabi - London based pan-Arab daily newspaper, went with the headline:

At Last, A World Without Bush. And Obama Plans a Week Full of Achievements

US Senate confirms six of Obama’s Cabinet Secretaries

US Senate confirms six of Obama’s Cabinet SecretariesWashington, Jan. 21 : President Barack Obama has won the full U. S. Senate's approval for six of his Cabinet nominees, just hours after he took the oath of office.

According to Fox News, the Senate unanimously confirmed the Cabinet members with a single voice vote, though the vote for Secretary of State nominee Hillary Clinton was postponed until Wednesday over the objections of a single senator, Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn.

Obama will have to go through legal maze to shut down GITMO

Obama will have to go through legal maze to shut down GITMOWashington, Jan. 21 : New US President Barack Obama has promised that one of his first actions as the nation's chief executive would be to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

But closing the detention center, according to CBS, would involve finding his way through a labyrinth of legal tangles - and may not be accomplished in the first 100 days.

India hopeful of good ties with Obama administration

India hopeful of good ties with Obama administrationNew Delhi, Jan. 21: India is looking forward to its relationship with the United States under the Barack Obama administration with hope and optimism.

Even as the world is hailing the first African-American president of the United States, India is no exception.

The country and its government are hopeful that Obama''s elevation will not over emphasize the link between the situation prevailing on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and the dispute between Islamabad and New Delhi over Kashmir.

Former U.S Presidents’ presence makes Obama’s swearing-in extra special
