Barack Obama

Obama''s GITMO shut down order could face resistance

Barack ObamaWashington, Jan. 22 : President Obama's plans to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay within the year could face resistance among some Republicans and from the families of terror victims, even as questions are being raised about what would happen to the 245 remaining detainees at the facility.

Obama is expected Thursday to sign executive orders calling for the closure within the year and the development of new procedures for handling detainees and new policies on interrogations.

India hopes India-US partnership will strengthen under Obama

India hopes India-US partnership will strengthen under Obama New Delhi  - As United States President Barack Obama made front-page headlines in Indian newspapers for the second day Thursday, the government expressed hope that India-US relations would be further strengthened under the new leadership.

Obama’s press office gets off to a slow and disorderly start

Obama’s press office gets off to a slow and disorderly startWashington, Jan. 22 : The White House press office under the Obama administration has got off to a slow start.

According to Fox News, the phones are not working and the names of the staff have been misspelled on their office doors and desks.

The state if disorderliness is such that it includes mounds of paperwork and general confusion.

India hopes India-US partnership will strengthen under Obama

India hopes India-US partnership will strengthen under ObamaNew Delhi - As United States President Barack Obama made front-page headlines in Indian newspapers for the second day Thursday, the government expressed hope that India-US relations would be further strengthened under the new leadership.

1.8 million people attended Obama’s inauguration

1.8 million people attended Obama’s inaugurationWashington, Jan. 22 : 1.8 million people attended President Barack Obama's inauguration as America's head of state, an official estimate has revealed.

According to the Washington Post, D. C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty''s office cited the 1.8 million figure, which eclipses the 1.2 million official tally from the 1965 inauguration of Lyndon Johnson.

Obama lifts Bush''s veil of secrecy on presidential documents

Obama lifts Bush''s veil of secrecy on presidential documentsWashington, Jan. 22 : Moving quickly to undo the Bush administration''s regime of secrecy, President Obama on Wednesday repealed a 2001 executive order granting former presidents, and even vice presidents, the ability to keep documents secret long past the 12 years allowed by law.

It was one of Obama''s first official acts, and was hailed as a rebuke of the past eight years.

In announcing the order, Obama said it will even tie his own hands.
