Palin fails to turn up GOP women''s convention

Palin fails to turn up GOP women''s conventionWashington, Sep. 2 : Despite an invitation to speak at the conference, Sarah Palin, former vice presidential candidate, and until recently Alaska governor, has decided not come to the National Federation of Republican Women''s 35th Convention in Florida.

According to Fox News, an estimated 1,200 Republican women leaders will attend the three-day conference. There are still efforts being made to convince Palin to reconsider.

Palin has been a big draw for Republicans since she was selected to be John McCain''s running partner during their failed attempt to win the White House in 2008. She continues to appeal to many Republicans, especially female Republicans.

Politico reported earlier this week that she would be sorting through more than 1,070 invitations she has received for paid speeches and political appearances.

While Palin will not be going to Florida, she will be delivering a keynote speech in Hong Kong, China, later this month, according to her spokeswoman, Meg Stapleton.

Palin will be speaking to a forum organized by CLSA, a Hong-Kong based brokerage firm, and will address the company''s clients and delegates at the16th Investors'' Forum. (ANI)