Now, underwear for left-handed men!
London, September 24 : For the first time an underwear has been designed exclusively for left-handed men which will "save them up to three, often vital, seconds when they visit the loo".
‘Hom’ is the company which is coming up with the undies that will meet the comfort needs of southpaws, reports the Telegraph.
Rob Faucherand, the head of men’s accessories buying at Debenhams, the department store that is stocking the pants, said: “In our view this is a vital step toward equality for left handed men.
“We see no reason why an accident of birth should dictate the type of underpants you can wear for the rest of your life.”
The Hom underwear has an opening slit made horizontally underneath the waistband unlike boxer shorts, which generally have a central opening or Y-fronts and trunks that have a right-handed opening.
Faucherand added: “Switching the opening from vertical to horizontal may sound like a small step, but it’s the major breakthrough that many have been waiting for.”
The Hom H1 Original Maxi Trunk costs 22pounds, while the Hipster version is priced at 16 pounds. (ANI)