Osama bin Laden's sister diagnosed with ovarian cancer

London, Nov.9 : A sister of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, has been secretly flown to London for private cancer treatment that is costing more than 100,000 pounds.

Randa bin Laden, 52, has been seen by a specialist at an exclusive Harley Street clinic after she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, reports The Sun.

Her bill has been settled by a relative. Randa, who has no contact with Osama, lives in Saudi Arabia, but is understood to have been ferried to hospital aboard an executive jet.

Sheikh Shafig bin Laden, one of Osama’s brothers, has been paying regular visits to her private room in the hospital’s oncology unit.

A source close to the family, who own a multi-billion pound construction empire, said: “Randa is getting the very best care. Hospital staff are aware of her family connections, but are under strict orders not to embarrass her in any way. It is obviously a very stressful time for everyone close to her." (ANI)