Everyone needs to join battle against Alzheimer’s, say top Researchers

A report written by Lancet Neurology Commission will guide politicians and policy makers about the challenges of Alzheimer's disease. The paper will be brought forth today to provide expert recommendations and information about the disease. The report will be published in the April issue of the journal Lancet Neurology. The 78-page report is a coordinated effort of 30 internationally leading researchers.

The report, which has plans that could help fight Alzheimer's disease, will be presented today on 15th March during the Brain Awareness Week 2016 at a workshop hosted by the European Parliament in Brussels. Professor Bengt Winblad, Centre for Alzheimer Research at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, is lead author of the report.

The report is full of challenges that need to be met to address the problem of Dementia. As per the report, to fight off Alzheimer's disease there is need of coordination and investment in economic term as part of a long term goal.

“What we need now is for the politicians to realize that this is a growing problem that already costs society tremendous amounts of money. We need investments of resources in research in all areas involved in this disease, to find better drugs, but also to improve compassionate care and prevention”, said Winblad.

The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, which is 60% of all dementia cases. The disease is commonly found in elderly people or in other words its risk increases with age. It is expected that number of people suffering from dementia would rise. Last year, an estimated 47 million persons all over the world were found affected by the disease.

The number is anticipated to reach 75 million by 2030 and up to 131 million by 2050. Most unfortunate thing is that no treatment is devised so far that can stop or reverse the disease.