Sony sues ‘VP of Everything’ Kevin Butler after Bridgestone ad shows him with Nintendo Wii
In its evident reaction to a Bridgestone tire ad which shows Sony' so-called `VP of Everything' - 55-year-old character actor Jerry Lambert - playing a Nintendo Wii console, Sony Entertainment has filed a copyright-violation lawsuit against Lambert and Bridgestone Tires, as well as Wildcat Creek, the ad agency behind the commercial.
Lambert has been Sony's `face of PlayStation,' as he has featured in nearly 30 commercials for Sony PlayStation; starring as a fictional executive, Kevin Butler, with the 'VP of Everything' designation; and holding different job titles in each of the Sony ads.
However, in a last-month "Game On" promotion ad for Bridgestone, Lambert was shown as a worker at the tire-manufacturing company, helping a co-worker play Mario Kart on Nintendo Wii.
The commercial - by Wildcat Creek - was released with the aim of drawing the consumers attention to a Bridgestone promotion, under which the purchase of four tires made a consumer eligible for a draw, in which a Nintendo Wii system or a $70 gift card could be won.
However, the ad clearly displeased Sony and the company sued Lambert, Bridgestone, and Wildcat creek on September 11, putting forth the argument that the "use of the Kevin Butler character to sell products other than those from PlayStation misappropriates Sony's intellectual property, creates confusion in the market and causes damage to Sony."