''Lemonhead'' alien tried to abduct two Brit schoolboys, say Govt. files
London, Aug 17 : A lemonhead alien tried to abduct two schoolboys in Britain, according to the Ministry of Defence files.
The pair said that the extra-terrestrial creature wanted to allure them into a glowing red spaceship as they headed home from a night out.
According to them, the alien said: "We want you, come with us."
The details of the eerie incident in Chasetown, Staffs, in May 1995 are among the Ministry of Defence files released for the first time by National Archives.
The files detailed about 800 UFO reports made to the MoD between 1981 and 1996.
The officer''s report says the boys arrived "agitated and distressed" after spotting a UFO, which emitted an intense heat before zigzagging off east to west.
In 1994, a Dumfriesshire motorist claimed that he had seen a "Toblerone-shaped object" descending from the sky in Annandale.
He drove to the field where he thought it had landed. As he approached the area, the man said his car packed up and the torch that he had taken stopped working.
According to the official figures, there were 285 alleged UFO sightings reported to the MoD in 2008, which was double the number recorded in 2007.
Nick Pope, who ran the British government''s UFO project at the MoD in the early 1990s, believes that, while many sightings could be explained away, there were those for which no rational explanation could be given.
"Our position at the MoD was, while not trying to cover it up, we had a policy of not talking these sightings up," the Scotsman quoted Pope as saying.
"There were clearly a large number of UFO sightings in the area, but we felt that the public was creating a self-fulfilling prophesy, whereby any aircraft light seen above Bonnybridge was being reported.
"But, certainly, the reports were more interesting to us when they featured large black triangular aircraft. That was a description that we had from many people around the country," he added.
Summer music festival Glastonbury has also made headlines for UFO sightings.
In another 1994 incident, two revellers revealed they saw a UFO over the jazz tent.
A woman and a friend were "standing soberly" in a field saw a "twirling set of moving lights attached to what must have been a circular object."
"It was unlike anything we knew and so I immediately said it must be a UFO/spaceship," she said.
"The lights were below this circular object and flashing in a way that was communicating to us," she added.
However, there have been speculations that the ''spacecraft'' may have been secret US spy plane, the existence of which has never been officially admitted, according to newly released files. (ANI)